Acepc 365 Website Program

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Q & A

Q. I'm new to this, what do you mean by domain name? I'm not sure how to get one or where to go to get it. Is that something you can help with?

A. If you don't have a domain name we can do all the work for you. We'll help you to understand what a domain name does and how to pick one. Examples of domain names: or Domain names are used to find your website. With our Free Website Design Program, you also get a free (for one year) Domain Name. If you already have a domain name we can transfer it to our secure domain server. After one-year, renewal is only $25.00 a year. *Transfer is required as part of our Free Website Design Program.



Q. How much will it cost for hosting my new free website?

A. Annual Hosting on our secure web server is about a dollar-a-day. Our regular price is $375.00 a year with a domain name. For the Free Website Design Program, we are offering website, domain, and hosting for just $365.00 a year.



Q. What if I don't like my new website?

A. Please tell us what you like and what you don't. We want you to be happy with your new website. If there is something we can fix or change, we will. If you're not happy we are not happy.



Q. You say it's easy to add content to the website. What if I try and just can't get it?

A. It's just like typing into Microsoft Word. But don't worry – no pressure – we're here to help. Not everyone feels comfortable typing on to a website. If that's you just send us an email with your content or updates and we'll do it for you (now isn't that easy).



Q. What happens if I really don't like any part of this program – can I get all my money back?

A. To start the design of your new website we must have a domain name to set up the server. If you find you're not happy with any part of the design you can get back most of your money. We can not refund the cost of the domain name. ($25.00) The domain name is yours.



Q. Can I change my domain name to another name?

A. No – Once you buy the domain name it is yours. Domain names are custom and can't be changed. You can have more than one domain name per website. (Only one free domain name comes with this Free Website Design Program).

Veterans Special

For veterans and their families, SAVE $25.00 off the first year of our 365 Pro-Pack.

You will receive:
ebsite, hosting, domain name plus fast updates, and a great-looking website.

Just let me know you are a vet or you know one.

Contact me on my contact page.

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